Friday, July 05, 2013

A Way to Smile !!

Does your heart starts pounding, jumping when you catch the glimpse of your childhood. 

                                The one that matters is YOU

          Don’t you have the passion to see the future? Don’t you have the passion to create the future? Don’t you have the passion to see the past, yours childhood and the innocent smiles that matter a lot to you and the yearning voice for the thing you ever want? See your childhood again and enjoy your childish acts by seeing yourself as a child in someone else.

Let the LITTLE PEARLS live your younger days and let those PEARLS to shine into DIAMONDS and let those diamonds to care about shine of NEW PEARLS, so that you never grow and see the sweet children living your life again and again.
you can help the children’s to live their childhood and help them to go for studies rather than going in garage or collecting polythene’s on roads or making pickles in orphanage. It will cost you just Rs 600 per month and you can adopt a child without any bothering and this massive amount of yours can turn an orphan car mechanic or a street beggar into the future of the nation…..
Your little amount can help a child to achieve his aim, same, as your goal in life which you ever wish to achieve. SSooo……. Please help these Childs, by yours little sacrifice, You can turn their dreams into reality.

Getting greetings and sending to one who is Thankful to you for his life.
Let tears come from those eyes not in pain and starvation but in your love.
 Just imagine their pain and imagine their love for you, for their savior. Your eyes can feel the dew as I am feeling now.
Good Luck to all Bhaiya’s, Didi’s, Big Brow’s, Dear Uncle and loving aunties.
                                    Be some to little kids so that they no longer remain orphan.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Adopt in Rs 600 only. No Responsibility, Just Will…………..

Sounds strange! Yeah…., but it’s easy man, mere Rs. 600 is needed to facilitate a child with all basics needs. No responsibility, still an affectionate presence of a kid will cherish you, who will count only Your Name as his close………………

Isn't it a paradox? As we congratulate ourselves on the successful strides that we as a nation have taken towards prosperity and plenty, there is a hard reality... the fact that millions of children in our country will never have a childhood that is rightfully theirs!

There are thousands of children who do not have anybody... who are vulnerable to hunger, abuse and poverty. They just need a single relation to take care of them. Just a kind eye.

You can be his brother or sister or a friend, single/couple parent or just a guardian.
Apart from the immense satisfaction of having made a lasting impact on the child's life, you, as a Sponsor, would receive:
 A picture and the story of your sponsored child
 Your sponsored child's annual progress report to show you his/her progress
 A quarterly newsletter explaining the difference you are making to a community
 Tax benefits under Section 80 G helping you to cut down on taxes
 An opportunity to build a lasting relationship through the exchange of cards and letters
 A chance to visit your child, interact with the community and see for yourself the impact your concern and generosity has made.
So, go ahead and change the life of a needy child. Now!

Your monthly sponsorship of Rs.600/- per month will educate a needy child and provide him/her with clean drinking water and good health. Life-skills training and income generation schemes will also help his/her parents to stand on their own feet again. Yes, for Rs.600/- a month you can be the reason behind their smile, the driving force behind their achievements, and the constant support that encourages them to reach for heights that they could not have dreamt of earlier.

Child Sponsorship is a lasting and personal relationship between the child and you, the Sponsor. Through exchange of letters and greeting cards to mark the special days in your child's life and visiting the child in the community, you can experience the joy of transforming lives through your

Click here ( to Rewrite the Destiny of A Child Forever...